April 1, 2011

Preparing for Craniofacial Surgery

Charlie had a good meeting with Dr. Fearon, his craniofacial surgeon, yesterday at Medical City in Dallas.  Charlie's Family is in the process of preparing for Charlie's surgery in late July to separate his fused skull plates.  As part of this preparation, Dr. Fearon recommended weekly injections of Procrit during the month prior to surgery to beef up Charlie's red blood cells for clotting.  Dr. Fearon was happy to hear that Charlie is having success with his physical therapy and is on the path to surmounting the challenges of his stroke.  Thank you to Valerie (Greenman Family friend) for creating this lovely video for Help Charlie Heal.  And thank you to everyone who has contributed to the Heap Charlie Heal fund.  You are making it possible for the Greenman Family to bear this load and focus on Charlie's recovery and well being.

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